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Table 2 Motivations and barriers to HIV testing

From: A cross-sectional study of low HIV testing frequency and high-risk behaviour among men who have sex with men and transgender women in Lima, Peru


Ever-testers N = 559 (%)*


Never-testers N = 143 (%)*

To check my health

282 (50.4)

I do not believe I am at risk

67 (46.9)

I had sex without a condom

240 (42.9)

I am afraid to receive the result

60 (42.0)

I was offered a free test

170 (30.4)

I have not had the opportunity

51 (35.7)

I wanted to know if I was HIV positive

165 (29.5)

I am afraid other people will find out my result

32 (22.4)

One of my partners did not use a condom

92 (16.5)

I am afraid of needles

31 (21.7)

It was recommended by a healthcare professional

83 (14.8)

I do not know where to get tested

18 (12.6)

It was required for a procedure/work/visa/marriage/etc.

52 (9.30)

I am afraid of my partner’s reaction

17 (11.9)

For another research study

48 (8.59)

Other people will think that I am sick

15 (10.5)

One of my partners wanted me to get tested

38 (6.80)

I do not have money to pay for the test

14 (9.79)

I had AIDS symptoms

20 (3.58)


8 (5.59)

One of my partners had AIDS symptoms

15 (2.68)

No response

5 (3.50)


8 (1.43)


I don’t know

3 (0.54)

  1. *Percentages were calculated from total number of ever- testers or never-testers not by total number of responses.