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Table 7 Health education provided during service and understanding of the health education among ANC attendants at intervention sites in the after-intervention survey (n = 1434) by folder/pictogram

From: Antenatal care strengthening for improved quality of care in Jimma, Ethiopia: an effectiveness study

Health education provided during ANC

No folder/pictogram1(N = 679)

Folder/pictogram1(N = 617)

OR 95% CI crude

OR 95% CI adjusted2

  Danger signs during pregnancy

54.4 (358)

77.7 (475)

2.6 (2.0;3.4)

2.6 (2.0;3.3)

  Need for health facility delivery

70.1 (463)

86.9 (532)

2.4 (1.8;3.3)

2.3 (1.7;3.2)

  Nutritional needs during pregnancy

69.3 (467)

86.0 (528)

2.4 (1.8;3.2)

2.3 (1.7;3.1)


69.3 (463)

86.7 (533)

2.4 (1.8;3.2)

2.3 (1.7;3.2)

Understanding the health education provided during ANC

82.3 (518)

91.6 (546)

2.2 (1.5;3.1)

2.1 (1.4;3.0)

  1. 1Numbers are % (N) and may not add up due to missing data.
  2. 2Adjusted for: Parity, maternal education, and marital status.