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Table 2 Study inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Comparative effectiveness of post-discharge strategies for hospitalized smokers: study protocol for the Helping HAND 2 randomized controlled trial

Inclusion criteria


Admission to a participating hospital


Received tobacco cessation counseling for > 5 minutes in hospital


Age ≥18 years


Current daily smoker (defined as having smoked ≥1 cigarette/day in the past month when smoking as usual)


Plan to sustain or initiate a quit attempt immediately after hospital discharge1

Exclusion criteria


Non-English speaking


Unable to provide informed consent due to serious cognitive impairment or impaired mental status (e.g., current diagnosis of schizophrenia, psychosis, dementia, or severe mental retardation)


Life expectancy of <1 year


Are admitted to the hospital from a nursing home


Admission diagnosis of intravenous drug use overdose


Attempted suicide in the past 3 months


Pregnant or nursing


Do not agree to take tobacco cessation medication home at discharge


No mailing address


No phone where can be directly reached or unable to communicate by telephone


Decline to speak to study staff or have insufficient time before discharge to be enrolled


Are not expected to be discharged home or to a rehabilitation facility

  1. 1Assessed by asking the smoker to endorse one of 4 responses (‘I will stay quit’, ‘I will try to quit’, ‘I don’t know if I’m going to quit’, ‘I do not plan to quit’). Only smokers who endorse the first 2 responses are eligible for study enrollment.