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Table 1 Search Terms and Restrictions

From: HIV prevention cost-effectiveness: a systematic review



Search terms


Economic and Impact evaluation

Cost, costing, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, prevention, impact, HIV, AIDS



Low- and middle-income countries (as per World Bank definition [11]); developing countries, third-world countries,, limited-resource settings (exclusion: high-income country)


Prevention interventions

HIV/AIDS; school-based education; abstinence education; voluntary counseling and testing (VCT); peer-based programs; condom promotion and distribution; information, education and communication (IEC); condom social marketing (CSM); sexually transmitted infection (STI) treatment ("positive prevention"); antiretroviral treatment/therapy (ART); mother-to-child HIV transmission (MTCT) interventions; feeding substitution; harm reduction; needle exchange; drug substitution; blood safety; universal precautions; post-exposure prophylaxis; women empowerment; behavior-change programs; efficacy and effectiveness; structural interventions; social interventions; self-help and support groups; male circumcision (MC).

Publication Dates

January 2005 to

December 2008