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Table 2 Summary of interview protocol

From: How do healthcare consumers process and evaluate comparative healthcare information? A qualitative study using cognitive interviews

Part of the interview

Key text/questions


Today I will show you information about the quality of healthcare on the internet. We would like to hear your reaction to the information.


The purpose of the interview is to let you 'think aloud'. You are encouraged to say anything that comes into your mind. We are interested in all your reactions.


Are there any questions before we start?

Part 1: Thinking aloud

Can you tell me what you are thinking as you see this information?


Can you tell me what this information is about?

Part 2: Probing

According to you, what is the purpose of this information?


What do the presented stars mean to you?


Can you explain the term "personal communication of employees" in your own words?


Why do you think that the aspect "public avalibility of data" is presented to consumers?

Part 3: Choice task

If you would choose a hospital/health plan based on this information (for yourself or for someone close to you), which hospital/health plan would you choose?


If you would choose a hospital/health plan based on this information (for yourself or for someone close to you), what would this information mean to you?


Are there any further questions or things you would like to say?