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Table 10 Epidemiological studies from Europe – injuries in the general population

From: A review of injury epidemiology in the UK and Europe: some methodological considerations in constructing rates

Author and date

Type of study/data source



Level of severity

Epidemiological observation

Major findings

Epidemiological shortcomings

Ekman et al., 2007 [79]

descriptive study/National Statistical Offices; WHO database

general population/98150 Sweden (Boras); 65841 Latvia (Jelgava); 378913 Lithuania (Kaunas); 101140 Estonia (Tartu)

Sweden, Baltic States


rates by gender, crude and standardized, yearly, 3 y average; trends of mortality rates

1990–2002 mortality rates per 100,000: 38 (Boras)/101 (Tartu)/112 (Jelgava)/126 (Kaunas); stable trends in Sweden, increasing rates until 1994, seamed to stabilized after 1997 in Baltic communities; higher rates in males vs. females and in age group under 65 y old in the Baltic communities than in Boras, Sweden.

Data on death only

Buschmann et al., 2008 [86]

descriptive study/German trauma registry

general population

(0–55 y)



hospitalization and A&E

proportions by age, gender, body region, cause, process of care (e.g., length of stay) outcome (died/alive)


children 3% of all patients multiple injured

0–15 y: 61% boys vs. 39% girls; over 70% head injuries

0–55 y: 41.3% RTC, 59.5% thorax injuries

No population based rates, only injuries ISS>16; data focused on children

Tiret et al., 1989 [83]

descriptive study/Hospitals data; deaths certificates

general population/2.7 million

Aquitaine, France

deaths, hospitalization

proportions by severity (ISS), cause, type, outcome (eight days still hospitalised/died in hospital); rates by age, gender, cause; non-fatal/fatal rate ratio


136/10,000 all injury incidence rate; 40% falls, 27% traffic accidents, 15% poisonings

Origin: suicide 14%, assault or homicide 3%, 82% others

1 year study and one administrative region only

Di Bartolomeo

et al., 2004 [78]


(prospective)study/Friuli Venezia Giulia regional registry

general population/1.2 million

Friuli Venezia Giulia Italy

deaths, hospitalization

proportions by age, gender, cause, severity (ISS), process of care (e.g., timing), outcome (died/alive), rates by severity

1998/1999 238 per mil per year mortality rate; 522 per mil per year incidence rate for severe injuries (ISS>15 & pre-hospital deaths); 98.2% blunt injury

81% RTC, 9.1% falls

Only injuries ISS >15; 1 year study and one geographical region only (excludes self inflicted injuries)

Plasencia & Borell

1996 [82]

cross sectional survey/A&E Hospitals questionnaire data; City Death Registry

adults (>14 y)/1.7 million Barcelona; 6 million Catalonia, Spain

deaths, hospitalization and A&E

proportions by age, gender, cause, severity (ISS), type, location; rates age, gender, cause, location; case admission ratio


7470/100,000 all injury rate 1.4 times higher rates in males vs. females, falls as a leading cause; 56/100,000 mortality rate 2 times higher in males vs. females; traffic injuries as leading cause; 4% of all injuries have ISS>8; 1 death:6 admissions:133 A&E

No population based rates of major trauma (ISS>15, 1 year study, and one geographical region only; analysis based on extrapolated data on injuries

Petridou et al., 2004 [80]

descriptive study/Questionnaire data; A&E Injury Surveillance System

adults (>15 y)


hospitalisation, A&E

proportions by age, gender, type; rates by gender, event timing (injury in relation to the interview date)

2001 5.9 per 100 person-year incidence reported within a survey vs. 12.9 per 100 person-year incidence reported from the surveillance system

Major injuries defined as those requiring health care; 1 y study