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Table 2 Indicators of socioeconomic conditions based on official statistics, Germany

From: Hip fractures and area level socioeconomic conditions: a population-based study

Socioeconomic indicator

Definition (unit of measure) a

Median, interquartile range (IQR), Ratio of IQR and median, (minimum, maximum)

Total population b


Total census tract population (N)

560802, 224900, 0.40 (124757, 3418720)

Census tract area b

Census tract area (km2)

2531, 3337, 1.32 (78, 11542)

Population density b


Number of people per km2

(persons per km2)

238, 643, 2.71 (57, 3917)

Non-German nationals b


Non-German nationals in census tract population (%)

8, 7, 0.83 (1, 25)

Household income c


Household income per no. of persons per household (Euro per person)

780, 102, 0.13 (609–1059)

Living space b


Living space per no. of persons

(m2 per person)

38, 5, 0.13 (31–44)

Single-parent family c


Single-parent families among all families (%)

8, 2, 0.23 (7–15)

Unemployment rate b


Persons without a job among all persons capable of work (%)

10, 6, 0.64 (5–22)

Welfare recipientsb

(1996, 1997, 2000)

Welfare recipients in census tract population (%)

3, 2, 0.69 (1–12)

  1. a For each indicator, a weighted average of calendar year-specific values was calculated at census tract level
  2. b Data from annually updated official statistics covering the total population c Data from census tract files (microcensus)