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Table 1 Summary of MAND tests

From: Fitness, motor competence and body composition as correlates of adolescent neck/shoulder pain: an exploratory cross-sectional study




Rod slide

Smoothness and slowness of moving handle along a metre long rod, repeated both hands.


Finger/nose finger

Accuracy and smoothness of index finger from nose to opposite hand's index finger, repeated both sides


Hand strength

Hand grip strength with a hand dynamometer, repeated both sides


Standing long jump

Distance and quality of two footed jump


Heel toe walk

Quality of walking forwards and backwards along a 10 foot line


Standing one leg

Time of balance on each leg with eyes open, then eyes closed.


Beads on rod

Number of beads placed on rod held in non-dominant hand in 30 seconds, repeated with eyes open and closed


Nut and bolt

Time to turn a large bolt, held in the dominant hand, fully onto a nut, repeated with a small bolt.


Finger tapping

Number and quality of taps of index finger in 10 seconds, repeated both hands


Beads in box

Number of beads moved from one box to an adjacent box in 30 seconds, repeated both hands.


  1. PC = Persistent Control, MP = Muscle Power, KI = Kinaesthetic Integration, BD = Bimanual Dexterity
  2. PC = persistent control, MP = muscle power, KI = kinaesthetic integration, BD = bimanual dexterity