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Table 1 Age, anthropometric parameters, years of education, social class of the mothers and the anthropometric parameters of their newborns (Presented are means (SD), range and N(%))

From: The effect of maternal anthropometric characteristics and social factors on gestational age and birth weight in Sudanese newborn infants


Mean (SD) or N(%)




Age (years)

27.0 (5.4)

16 to 52

Body weight (kg)

65.2 (13.0)

33.5 to 109.9

Body Height (cm)

159.6 (6.2)

139.5 to 195.5

Mid arm circumference (cm)

26.9 (3.9)

17.0 to 40.9

Body mass index (kg/m2)

25.5 (4.8)

13.5 to 47.1

Number of years of education

9.1 (4.3)

0 to 19

Social class



644 (64.4%)



313 (31.3)



43 (4.3)




Gestational age (weeks))

39.1 (1.8)

28 to 42

Birth weight (g)

3131.7 (538.9)

800 to 5100


514 (51.4%)


LBW (< 2500 g)

83 (8.3%)


Preterm infants (<37 weeks)

57 (5.7%)