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Table 1 Distribution of pupil level variables (all pupil level analyses involved 5,092 cases, except for the early school leavers' sub-group analysis as described in the text).

From: What explains between-school differences in rates of smoking?


Descriptive Statistics as appropriate to scale of measurement

Missing data N (%)

How missing data was handled

Possible reason for the missing data


47% male

0 (0)



Age in months at time of first interview

Mean = 169.8, sd = 3.9

471 (9.2)

Mean substitution by school and by gender

Some pupils were wary of providing their data of birth (necessary to calculate the age at time of interview) as they believed the answer could potentially be used to track their identity, thus they opted to leave it blank. Naturally, we had explained that we were not interested their identities.

Cohort (there were two cohorts)

52% belonged to cohort 1

0 (0)



Early school leavers

88% of pupils stayed on at school beyond the minimum legal age for attending school (16 years)

0 (0)



Family structure

75% lived with both parents, 21% with Mum only, 3% with Father only and 1% with neither parent.

0 (0)



Housing type

69% of pupils lived in privately owned housing, 22% rented housing and 0.2% were in care or foster homes

469 (9.2)

A separate category was coded for missing data

Some pupils were unsure if they lived in privately owned housing or not.

Parental monitoring (high vs low)

60% of pupils experienced high parental monitoring

0 (0)



Father occupational class (manual vs non-manual)

35% worked in manual occupations

1199 (23.5)

A separate category was coded for missing data

Some pupils found the questions about parental occupation intrusive and so left them blank. Others provided textual information that we did not find possible to classify.

Spending money (high vs low)

51% had over £15 spending money (high)

20 (0.4)


A few pupils did not get a consistent amount of spending money and felt they could not complete this question.


96% of the pupils were 'white'

51 (1.0)

A separate category was coded for missing data

Some pupils did not see the point in the question and objected by leaving it blank

Mothers' age (<40 vs older mother)

49% had a mother over 40 years

720 (14.1)

A separate category was coded for missing data

Some pupils did not know their Mum's age and some did not see the point of the question and objected by leaving it blank (despite us explaining why we asked, whenever the issue was drawn to our attention).

Religious belief (5 pt scale, higher score less religious)

Mean = 3.9, sd = 1.0

0 (0)



Self-esteem (4 pt scale, higher score lower self-esteem)

Mean = 2.0, sd = 0.5

25 (0.5)

Mean substitution by school and by gender

Some pupils did not like there being no 'unsure' but that is the standard way to ask the questions.

Attitude to school (5 pt scale, higher score poorer attitudes)

Mean = 2.6, sd = 1.0

26 (0.5)

Mean substitution by school and by gender

No clear reason

Teacher-pupil relationships (5 pt scale, higher score poorer relationships)

Mean = 2.8, sd = 0.9

60 (1.2)

Mean substitution by school and by gender

No clear reason