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Table 4 Attributes related to cigarette smoking among current smokers* by age – 2006 Cyprus Global Youth Tobacco Survey

From: Prevalence and social environment of cigarette smoking in Cyprus youth


Proportion (95% Confidence Interval)



(n = 2,252)

13 years old or younger

(n = 209)

14 years old

(n = 263)

15 years old

(n = 441)

16 years old

(n = 530)

17 years old or older

(n = 809)

Access and Availability

Buy cigarettes in a store

61.0 (57.8, 64.2)

44.5 (38.3, 50.8)

46.2 (40.9, 51.5)

57.5 (50.2, 64.7)

61.9 (57.1, 66.7)

69.1 (65.9, 72.3)

Not refused purchase because of their age

95.3 (94.0, 96.6)

85.8 (76.2, 95.5)

89.3 (83.5, 95.1)

94.6 (92.0, 97.2)

95.1 (92.2, 98.1)

97.7 (96.0, 99.3)


Want to stop smoking

46.7 (42.7, 50.7)

43.1 (34.6, 51.6)

42.5 (33.6, 51.4)

51.0 (45.0, 57.1)

48.8 (43.7, 53.8)

45.4 (39.7, 51.0)

Tried to stop smoking during the past year

60.9 (57.0, 64.7)

63.1 (53.2, 72.9)

60.9 (54.5, 67.3)

62.7 (56.6, 68.9)

63.5 (53.5, 73.5)

58.2 (55.6, 60.9)

Have ever received help to stop smoking

70.7 (68.1, 73.4)

66.7 (55.3, 78.1)

70.1 (65.6, 74.6)

70.5 (66.1, 74.9)

72.4 (67.3, 77.6)

70.8 (67.0, 74.5)

Have of feel like having a cigarette first thing in the morning

28.2 (26.0, 30.3)

21.5 (14.0, 29.0)

24.8 (16.9, 32.8)

23.8 (17.8, 29.7)

23.9 (18.4, 29.5)

34.2 (30.7, 37.7)

  1. *Current smoking is defined as having smoked on 1 or more days of the past 30 days