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Table 1 Questions on lifestyle and health status

From: Self-reported drug utilization, health, and lifestyle factors among 70–74 year old community dwelling individuals in Western Norway. The Hordaland Health Study (HUSK)

Physical activity

Which level of physical activity have you had during the last year?

   • Easy exercise:none, less than 1 hour/week, 1–2 hours/week, 3 hours or more/week

   • Hard exercise:none, less than 1 hour/week, 1–2 hours/week, 3 hours or more/week

Use of alcohol

   • Are you totally abstinent from alcohol? Yes/no

   • How many times a month do you usually drink alcohol? Number of times:

   • How many glasses of beer, wine or spirits do you usually drink during a two-week period? Number of glasses:


   • Do you smoke cigarettes daily? Yes/no

   • If you used to be a daily smoker, since when did you quit? Number of years:

   • If you are or were a daily smoker, how many cigarettes do or did you usually smoke during a day? Number of cigarettes:

   • For how many years have you been a daily smoker? Number of years:

General health

   • How is your present general state of health? Bad/not quite good/good/very good

Depressed mood

   • Have you felt down/depressed during the last two weeks? Yes/a little/considerably/very much