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Table 3 Effect of behavior change on BMD change

From: The effect on behavior and bone mineral density of individualized bone mineral density feedback and educational interventions in premenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial [NCT00273260]

Femoral Neck BMD change (% p.a.)

Univariate β (95% CI)

Multivariate βa (95% CI)

Commenced calcium supplements


(+0.54, +2.2)


(+0.49, +2.17)

Calcium intake change (per 100 mg)


(-0.07, +0.02)


(-0.08, +0.01)

Persistent smoking cessation


(-0.9, +1.34)


(-1.16, +1.08)

Persistent self-reported physical activity change


(+0.28, +1.3)


(+0.22, +1.22)

Persistent increase in strenuous activity


(-0.35, +0.76)


(-0.45, +0.67)

Change in work capacity (per W)


(-0.52, +0.32)


(-0.48, +0.36)

Change in leg strength (per SD)


(-0.22, +0.26)


(-0.22, +0.26)

Lumbar Spine BMD change (% p.a.)

Commenced calcium supplements


(-0.45, +0.62)


(-0.37, +0.73)

Calcium intake change (per 100 mg)


(-0.03, +0.03)


(-0.04, +0.02)

Persistent smoking cessation


(-0.50, +0.93)


(-0.62, +0.85)

Persistent self-reported physical activity change


(-0.42, +0.21)


(-0.38, +0.28)

Persistent increase in strenuous activity


(-0.52, +0.18)


(-0.53, +0.21)

Change in work capacity (per W)


(-0.02, +0.51)


(+0.03, +0.59)

Change in leg strength (per SD)


(-0.08, +0.23)


(-0.10, +0.22)

  1. aadjusted for other items in column, age, and difference in weight and height between baseline and 2 years. bp = 0.07