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Table 2 Rotated factor loadings of the principal components analysis (PCA) for 26 health-related lifestyle habits (N = 285)

From: The Healthy Lifestyle and Personal Control Questionnaire (HLPCQ): a novel tool for assessing self-empowerment through a constellation of daily activities

Item “How often…”

“Dietary Healthy Choices”

“Dietary Harm Avoidance”

“Daily Routine”

“Organized Physical Exercise”

'Social and Mental balance”

“Are you careful about how much food you put on your plate”



“Do you check the food labels before buying a product”



“Do you calculate the calories of your meals”



“Do you limit fat in your meals”



“Do you like cooking”



“Do you eat organic foods”



“Do you eat whole-wheat products”



“Do you avoid eating packaged- or fast-food”




“Do you avoid soft drinks”




“Do you avoid eating when stressed or disappointed”




“Do you avoid binge eating when you are out with friends”




“Do you eat your meals at the same time each day”




“Are you careful about not missing a meal each day”




“Do you eat a good breakfast”




“Do you sleep at the same time each day”




“Do you follow a scheduled program for your daily activities”




“Do you eat breakfast at the same time each day”




“Do you eat lunch at the same time each day”




“Do you eat dinner at the same time each day”




“Do you practice aerobic exercise for 20 or more minutes at least 3 times per week




“Do you exercise in an organized manner”




“Do you share your personal problems or worries with others”



“Do you concentrate on positive thoughts during difficulties”



“Do you empty your brain of thoughts or the next day’s program during bedtime”



“Do you care about meeting and discussing with your family on a daily basis”



“Do you balance your time between work, personal life and leisure”









% of Variance






Cronbach’s alpha






  1. Important Note: The translation of the items from the Greek language is presented only for interpretation and NOT for use in studies or clinical practice.