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Table 2 The UP4FUN intervention - the phases, the NEWS and the tasks

From: The role of family-related factors in the effects of the UP4FUN school-based family-focused intervention targeting screen time in 10- to 12-year-old children: the ENERGY project

Phases and titles

NEWS titles



Introduction to UP4FUN

NEWS 1: Welcome!

- Families talk about the project at home

- Families note down time for Family Fun Event

- Pupils start wearing the UP4FUN bracelet


Awareness of sitting time and light physical activity alternatives.

NEWS 2: Awareness of time spent sitting.

- Pupils draw timeline with activities for a normal week day and share it with family

- Pupils make a list of 3 indoor and 3 outdoor fun activities to do at home and share the list with family

- Pupils register steps for 3 every day activities at home

- Pupils register sitting time by activity (TV, PC, games and reading) for one weekday and one weekend day


A challenge – reducing sitting time

NEWS 3: Helping and supporting your child to aim for less sitting time.

- Pupils sum up sitting time

- Pupils write personal goal

- Pupils share results of sitting time and personal goal with family

- Pupils try out the goal for a week, evaluate with stickers (Smileys and Frownys) and write down 3 difficulties and solutions

- Class discusses difficulties and solutions


Home environment and sitting time

NEWS 4: Do screens control your family life?

- Pupils note down number of pupils in class with rules about screen time and some examples of the rules, share this with parents and discuss family screen rules

- Pupils and then parents guess number of screens at home by category (TV, PC, games) before pupils count them

- Suggestions: Reduce parental modelling and family screen time or change the physical availability of screens

- Optional: Family has screen free day + write 3 positive and negative experiences


Breaking up prolonged sitting time and practicing active transport

NEWS 5: Short activity breaks are better than no breaks at all.

- Class brainstorms ideas for recess activities and makes a poster of them

- Teacher leads one Activity break per sitting lesson throughout the week. Pupils practice at home.

- Pupils practice active transport to school and register the number of steps

- Pupils remind parents about Family Fun Event


Summarizing the class results and spreading the Challenge.

NEWS 6: Thank you for taking part in the UP4FUN project.

- Class prepares the Family Fun Event

- Family participates in Family Fun Event (results from the project, sharing of positive and negative experiences, practicing Activity breaks, take on the Family challenge of continuing to work on reducing sitting time)

- Teacher hands out bracelets to families (parents and siblings) that take the challenge either at the Family Fun Event or after a response to NEWS 6