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Table 1 The UP4FUN intervention by social ecological level, determinant, behaviour change techniques* and program components

From: The role of family-related factors in the effects of the UP4FUN school-based family-focused intervention targeting screen time in 10- to 12-year-old children: the ENERGY project

Social ecological model level


Behaviour change techniques

Examples of program components



Provide information about behaviour – health link (IMB)**

Week 1 (sedentary/screen time), Week 5 (breaking up sitting time), Family Fun Event (week 6), Website


Prompt intention formation (SCogT)**

Week 1: Pupils start wearing the UP4FUN bracelet

Awareness of own behaviour

Prompt self-monitoring of behaviour (CT)**

Week 2:

• Pupils draw timeline with activities for a normal week day

• Pupils register steps for 3 every day activities at home

• Pupils register sitting time by activity (TV, PC, games and reading) for one weekday and one weekend day


Provide feedback on performance (CT)**

Week 3:

Prompt specific goal setting (CT)**

• Pupils sum up sitting time and write personal goal (NEWS 3) and are provided with information on recommendations about duration of screen time

Provide contingent rewards (OC)**

• Pupils try out the goal for a week, evaluate with stickers (Smileys and Frownys) and write down 3 difficulties and solutions


Teach to use prompts or cues (OC)

Week 5: Activity breaks in class, make poster(s) of things to do during breaks

Prompt practice (OC)

NEWS 5: Ideas for how to remember to do breaks at home during PC/TV time

Week 5: Teacher reminds pupils to get out quickly for recess.

Preference/ liking


Week 2: Pupils make a list of 3 indoor and 3 outdoor fun activities to do at home

Week 5:

• Class brainstorms ideas for recess activities and makes a poster of them

• Pupils register steps for walking to school

• Pupils try out activity breaks in school


Prompt barrier identification (SCogT)

Week 3:

• Pupils try out the goal for a week and write down 3 difficulties and solutions

• Class discusses difficulties and solutions

Week 4: Optional: Family has screen free day + write 3 positive and negative experiences

Role modelling

Prompt identification as role models (SCogT)

WEEK 5 : Pupils encouraged to model activity breaks during TV-time for family

Interpersonal (family)


Provide information about behaviour – health link (IMB)

NEWS 1 (sedentary/screen time), NEWS 5 (breaking up sitting time), Family Fun Event (Week 6), Website

Awareness of child behaviour

Prompt monitoring of child behaviour (CT)

NEWS 2: Pupil share drawing of when they sit/what they do during a regular week day. Parents are encouraged to take notice when their child is sitting,

NEWS 3: Pupils share results of sitting registration time and personal goal with parents

Social support

Plan social support and social change (social support theories)

NEWS 2: Pupils share list of 3 indoor and 3 outdoor fun activities to do at home with family

Agree on behavioural contract (OC)

NEWS 3: Pupils share results of sitting registration time and personal goal with parents, and are encouraged to ask for help from family members. Suggestion for parents on the different types of support they can offer and how to communicate.

Plan social support and social change (social support theories)


NEWS 5: Suggestions: Plan for active transport

Week 6/NEWS 6:

• Family participates in Family Fun Event (results from the project, sharing of positive and

• negative experiences, practicing Activity breaks, take on the Family challenge = to continue to work on reducing sitting time)

• Teacher hands out bracelets to families that take the challenge

Role modelling

Prompt identification as role models (SCogT)

NEWS 4: Suggestions: Positive parental modelling and doing fun alternatives together or change the physical availability of screens

Parenting rules and restrictions

Provide opportunities for social comparison (SCompT)**

NEWS 4: Pupils share with parents the number of pupils in class with rules about screen time and some examples of the rules, and discuss family screen rules Suggestions: Choose one rule and try it out for a week.

Physical availability of screens

Prompt barrier identification (SCogT)**

NEWS 4: Pupils and then parents guess number of screens at home by category (TV, PC, games) before pupils count them. Suggestions: Change the physical availability of screens.

Organizational (teacher)


Provide information about behaviour – health link (IMB)

Teacher training, teacher manual, Website

Role modelling

Model or demonstrate the behaviour, Teach to use prompts or cues (OC)**

Week 5: Teacher modelling of activity breaks once in every sitting lesson, suggested to use alarms as reminders

  1. *for definitions of behaviour change techniques see Abraham and Michie [31].
  2. **IMB = information-motivation-behavioural skills model CT = control theory OC = operant conditioning SCogT = social-cognitive theory SCompT = Social comparison theories.