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Table 3 Content of the six group sessions in the Face-to-Face group intervention

From: The effectiveness and applicability of different lifestyle interventions for enhancing wellbeing: the study design for a randomized controlled trial for persons with metabolic syndrome risk factors and psychological distress

Topic of the group session


Key point of the session

My life here and now

Values: one exercise

How I use my time in my current life?

Mindfulness: one exercise

Contact with the present moment.

Values and mindful living

Values: three exercises

How mindfulness-skills can improve wellbeing?

Mindfulness: one exercise

What are the most important values for me?


Mindful eating: one exercise

Am I living according to my values?

Value-based actions and barriers

Action: one exercise

What are my specific goals and actions that support my valued behavior?

Mindfulness: one exercise

My subjective barriers or reasons connected to healthy eating or physical activity.

Observation: three exercises


The observing self and acceptance

Observation: one exercise

Observing thoughts without being caught up in them (defusion).

Acceptance: three exercises

Making room for unpleasant feelings, sensations, urges, and other private experiences; allowing them to come and go without struggling with them.

Relaxation: one exercise

Can you accept yourself as you are?

Mindful eating

Mindfulness: one exercise

Exercising mindful eating.

Mindful eating: three exercises

What is my typical meal rhythm?

Summary and reflection

Observation: one exercise

What have I learned?

Values: one exercise

How to continue with lifestyle changes?

Acceptance: one exercise