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Table 2 Baseline characteristics of study participants

From: The influence of HIV disease events/stages on smoking attitudes and behaviors: project STATE (Study of Tobacco Attitudes and Teachable Events)

Demographic, psychosocial and smoking variables

n = 384

Mean age in years (SD)

38.7 (10.6)

Male, n (%)

280 (72.9)

Married/living with significant other, n (%)

70 (18.2)

Race/ethnicity, n (%)


69 (18.0)

  Black/African American

245 (63.8)


56 (14.6)


14 (3.6)

Mean years of formal education (SD)

10.9 (4.0)

Education level, n (%)


  Less than high school

139 (36.2)

  High school or equivalent

150 (39.1)

  More than high school

95 (24.7)

Current employment status, n (%)


  Working full or part time

63 (16.4)

  Not working due to health

185 (48.2)

  Unable to find work

95 (24.7)

  Not working for other reasons

41 (10.7)

HIV transmission, n (%)


  Male homosexual contact

132 (34.4)

  Heterosexual contact


  Injection drug use

35 (9.1)


42 (10.9)

Depression (CES-D score1), mean (SD)

22.1 (11.8)

Cigarettes smoked per day, n (%)


  10 or fewer

231 (60.2)

  11 to 20 per day

117 (30.5)

  21 to 30 per day

19 (4.9)

  31 or more per day

17 (4.4)

Nicotine dependence (FTND score2), mean (SD)

4.3 (2.5)

Alcohol use (AUDIT score3), mean (SD)

8.6 (7.6)

Illicit drug use in past 30 days, n (%)

178 (46.4)

  1. 1Range 0-60, scores ≥16 indicate risk of clinical depression.
  2. 2Range, 0–10.
  3. 3Scores ≥8 are associated with harmful or hazardous drinking.