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Table 3 Test-retest reliability * of the Workplace Sitting Breaks Questionnaire (SITBRQ)

From: Workplace Sitting Breaks Questionnaire (SITBRQ): an assessment of concurrent validity and test-retest reliability

Questionnaire item

Spearman’s rho (95% CI)†

Cohen’s kappa (95% CI)‡

% correctly classified (95% CI)§

% in same or adjacent category (95% CI)||

% highly misclassified (95% CI)¶

Frequency of breaks (breaks/hour)

0.71 (0.59 - 0.79)

0.74 (0.64 - 0.84)

51.0 (41.0 - 61.0)

85.4 (78.4 - 92.5)

14.6 (7.5 - 21.6)

Total duration of breaks (minutes/day)

0.59 (0.45 - 0.71)

0.61 (0.38 - 0.85)

46.9 (36.9 - 56.9)

79.2 (71.0 - 87.3)

20.8 (12.7 - 29)

  1. *Test and retest surveys were conducted a maximum of 14 days apart.
  2. †Spearman’s rank correlation between test and retest and its 95% confidence interval.
  3. ‡Quadratic weighted Cohen’s kappa coefficient of agreement between test and retest and its 95% confidence interval.
  4. §Percent of participants classified in same categories in test and retest its 95% confidence interval.
  5. ||Percent of participants classified in same or adjacent categories in test and retest its 95% confidence interval.
  6. ¶Percent of participants classified in distant categories in test and retest (two or more categories apart) its 95% confidence interval.