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Table 1 Interview guides used for semi-structured interviews

From: “Only your blood can tell the story” – a qualitative research study using semi- structured interviews to explore the hepatitis B related knowledge, perceptions and experiences of remote dwelling Indigenous Australians and their health care providers in northern Australia


Key Informants

Hepatitis B patients and community members

Current role background demographics

experience with regard to;

Role within family, community, work

viral hepatitis

Social situation, children, partner

Indigenous health

Schooling – what age left

within East Arnhem land

Reason for clinic attendance today

Hepatitis B status - when first knew about Hepatitis B status

Hepatitis B knowledge

own level of knowledge, where did this come from your perception of the general Indigenous populations knowledge

What do you understand by the phrase Hepatitis B infection

Indigenous patients knowledge

If no knowledge move directly to communication section

what do you think are barriers to increased knowledge (e.g. language, cultural, knowledge systems, health beliefs)

What do you think it is/does, does it concern you

do you think increased knowledge will make a difference to patient adherence/outcomes, why, why not

How do you think you get Hepatitis B


Is it a problem for you or your family

How did you learn about Hepatitis B

Whose opinion, story do you most trust, why, how did this person talk to you

What do you think about doctors/nurses/AHWs opinions/beliefs


Are you involved in; testing patients, explaining results, counselling regarding treatment options, follow up, screening protocols

What is your experience of talking to doctors/nurses/midwifes /AHWs about your health in general/specifically Hepatitis B

If yes to any of above what is your experience of this process with regard to communication, provision of education (is it easy, what do you find difficult about it, do you think it is done well, what do you think are the problems, how can we overcome them) any examples of real life situations with respect to any of these issues

How do you think this could be better

Do they use interpreters, how does this help you

Do they use pictures/flipcharts/other tools to help you understand

Which of these things do you prefer

Do they help, why

How would it help you if you understood more about your health/hepatitis B

Available resources & ideas for educational tool

Have you used any resources to help with communication/health education, if so details

What kind of thing do you think would help you to understand better – flip chart/pictures/talking/electronic/tablet/phone based tool

Do you use/need/have available interpreters

Look at these resources, are any of them attractive to you, which do you like, what do they say to you

Do you have an idea of what kind or resources might help

What are your thoughts about an ipad based resource

Please look at this collection of resources/images and tell me what you think about them, would they be helpful in this context, how could we use them in this context

What things do you want to know about

How do you feel about an electronic/tablet based resource, how would you see that working, advantages vs disadvantages

What about pictures

Are there any resources you like from different situations

What about language

What format do you think will work (electronic, flipchart, other)

What about interaction

Any ideas about what should be included

Will it help, why, why not

What about language, images, interactive or not

  1. Key informants = health clinic staff, community health educators, liver clinic staff both nurses and doctors, Community members and Hepatitis B patients = Indigenous people living in the remote community with and without Hepatitis B.