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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of study cohort (N = 55,798)

From: Evidence of effective delivery of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine through a publicly funded, school-based program: the Ontario Grade 8 HPV Vaccine Cohort Study


n (%)



  Age (years), mean (SD)

13.2 (0.3)

  Place of residence



47,130 (84.5)


8,630 (15.5)


38 (0.1)

  Income Quintile


    1 (low)

8,054 (14.4)


10,428 (18.7)


12,648 (22.7)


12,767 (22.9)

    5 (high)

11,698 (21.0)


203 (0.4)

Vaccination History


  Mandatory Vaccines

55,094 (98.7)

    Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)

55,272 (99.1)

    Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTP)

55,316 (99.1)

  Optional Vaccines

41,505 (74.4)

    Hepatitis B

48,393 (86.7)

    Meningococcal conjugate

44,181 (79.2)

  Mandatory and optional vaccines

41,158 (73.8)