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Table 2 Jury poll questions

From: Evaluating the use of citizens’ juries in food policy: a case study of food regulation

Poll questions

Possible answers

1. Should food and drink sponsorship/advertising be banned at children’s sporting events?

∙ Yes, banned at all sporting events

∙ Banned at selected events

∙ No, not banned at any events

2. Food and drink sponsorship/advertising should be banned at:

∙ School and community sporting events

∙ Private sporting events

∙ All sporting events

No sporting events

3. Which types of foods and drinks should be banned from sponsorship/advertising at children’s sporting events?

∙ All foods and drinks

∙ All foods and drinks except fruit, vegetables and water

∙ Foods and drinks high in salt, fat and/or sugar

No foods/drinks should be banned

4. Do you see the effects of food and drink sponsorship/advertising at children’s sporting events as affecting the levels of participation in sport?

∙ Yes, very much

∙ Quite a lot

∙ Very little

Not at all

5. Do you see the effects of food and drink sponsorship/advertising at children’s sporting events as altering children’s eating habits and diet?

∙ Yes, very much

∙ Quite a lot

∙ Very little

Not at all

6. Do you think the Commonwealth Government should decide whether there should be a ban of food and drink sponsorship/advertising at children’s sporting events?

∙ Yes, it is the responsibility of the Commonwealth Government to regulate

∙ No, it is parents’ responsibility to regulate children’s eating habits

∙ No, industry should self-regulate

∙ No, but the Commonwealth Government should provide information to parents and children about the risks associated with specific unhealthy foods and drinks

7. In the fight against obesity in children, do you think that a ban on food and drink sponsorship/advertising would be:

∙ Very effective

∙ Reasonably effective

∙ Barely effective

∙ Ineffective