Archived Comments for:
Beyond Bushfires: Community, Resilience and Recovery - a longitudinal mixed method study of the medium to long term impacts of bushfires on mental health and social connectedness
As an author on this project, I would like to make you aware that there are a range of findings coming out of the Beyond Bushfires study which can all be accessed from the project’s website ( The Beyond Bushfires study and outputs have only been possible due to the strong partnerships and funding provided by an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant (LP100200164) including financial and in-kind contributions from Linkage partners - Department of Health, Australian Red Cross, Australian Rotary Health, Centrelink, Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health, and six Primary Care Partnerships: Central Hume, Bendigo Loddon, North East, Outer East, Central West Gippsland, Lower Hume. Additional salary support for Lisa Gibbs and Elizabeth Waters from the Jack Brockhoff Foundation is also acknowledged.
Elyse Baker (Snowdon)
Competing interests
I am an author on this article and have been involved in this research for the last five years.
Further information on Beyond Bushfires study
29 June 2015
As an author on this project, I would like to make you aware that there are a range of findings coming out of the Beyond Bushfires study which can all be accessed from the project’s website ( The Beyond Bushfires study and outputs have only been possible due to the strong partnerships and funding provided by an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant (LP100200164) including financial and in-kind contributions from Linkage partners - Department of Health, Australian Red Cross, Australian Rotary Health, Centrelink, Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health, and six Primary Care Partnerships: Central Hume, Bendigo Loddon, North East, Outer East, Central West Gippsland, Lower Hume. Additional salary support for Lisa Gibbs and Elizabeth Waters from the Jack Brockhoff Foundation is also acknowledged.
Elyse Baker (Snowdon)
Competing interests
I am an author on this article and have been involved in this research for the last five years.