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Table 5 Between-group comparisons of mean changes

From: Reintegration of child soldiers in Burundi: a tracer study


Comparison between T1 and T2

Comparison between T1 and T3

Comparison between T2 and T3


Former child soldiers

Never recruited

Former child soldiers

Never recruited

Former child soldiers

Never recruited

Time * Group effect

Time * Group effect (boys)

Time * Group effect (girls)


Change, Mean (SD)

Change, Mean (SD)

Change, Mean (SD)

Change, Mean (SD)

Change, Mean (SD)

Change, Mean (SD)

F(df); p

F(df); p

F(df); p

Social integration

4.32 (3.36)

1.36 (2.02)

5.45 (4.02)

1.71 (2.54)

1.12 (2.17)

.32 (1.77)

F(2, 1204)= 113.18; <.000

F(2, 872)= 182.56; <.000

F(2, 328)= 51.89; <.000

Economic opportunities

3.88 (3.56)

3.63 (3.60)

3.68 (3.50)

2.82 (3.46)

-.17 (2.74)

-.79 (3.57)

F(2, 1070)= 3.26; .039

F(2, 780)= .83; .438

F(2, 286)= 25.11; .019

Household wellbeing

1.44 (2.34

1.28 (2.22)

1.86 (2.88)

1.77 (3.04)

.44 (2.16)

.46 (2.52)

F(2, 1138)= .19; .826

F(2, 824)= .28; .755

F(2, 310)= .70; .819

Work satisfaction

.65 (2.55)

.74 (2.29)

.94 (2.55)

.57 (2.34)

.21 (2.23)

-.10 (2.32)

F(2,764)=1.98; .139

F(2, 566)= .37; .689

F(2, 194)= .90; .408

  1. Note. T1 represents “pre-intervention”, T2 represents “post-intervention” and T3 represents current study period (April-August 2010).