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Table 3 Predictors for socio-economic indicators (Burundi)

From: Reintegration of child soldiers in Burundi: a tracer study


Household economic wellbeing

Social integration

Economic opportunity

Work satisfaction


β 1

β 2

β 1

β 2

β 1

β 2

β 1

β 2


δ R 2 2=.34**


δ R 2 2=.25**


δ R 2 2=.40**


δ R 2 2=.29**


δR 2 1 =.01*


δR 2 1=.00


δR 2 1=.03**


δR 2 1=.01











  Gender [male=1; female=2]









  Marital status [no partner=0; partner=1]









Child soldier experience

δR 2 1=.01


δR 2 1=.05**


δR 2 1=.01


δR 2 1=.01


  Number of activities during association









  Rejoined armed grou ps









  Duration of association









(Mental) health and functioning

δR 2 1=.31**


δR 2 1=.20**


δR 2 1=.34**


δR 2 1=.28**


  Anxiety symptoms









  Depression symptoms









  PTSD symptoms









  Functioning impairment









  Health problems









Intervention received

δR 2 1=.08**


δR 2 1=.08**


δR 2 1=.09**


δR 2 1=.07**


Intervention type














  Vocational training






  Material kits




  Basic education





  On-the-job training













  Intervention satisfaction









  1. Note. * p<.05; ** p<.01; β 1 = estimates from variables adjusted for the co-variances with other variables in their clusters; β 2 = estimates from significant cluster variables adjusted for the covariance with other variables from other clusters.