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Table 6 Mean body mass index, percent body fat and waist circumference of women by energy and macronutrient levels

From: Predictors of overweight and obesity in adult women in Nairobi Province, Kenya


Mean BMI (SD)

Mean% body fat (SD)

Mean WC (SD)

Mean (SD)

27.9 (5.3)

39.5 (7.6)

86.9 (13.5)

Energy (mean DRI)

P = 0.301

P = 0.717

P = 0.775


27.6 (5.3)

39.4 (8.0)

86.6 (14.6)


28.2 (5.2)


87.1 (12.7)

Protein (mean DRI)

P = 0.013a

P = 0.004 b

P = 0.064


26.5 (5.1)

37.2 (8.3)

84.0 (13.9)


28.2 (5.1)

40.1 (7.3)

87.0 (12.9)

Fat (mean DRI)

P = 0.012 a

P = 0.174

P = 0.201


27.5 (5.2)

39.2 (7.8)

86.3 (13.5)


29.1 (5.3)

40.5 (7.3)

88.4 (13.7)

CHO (mean DRI)

P = 0.232

P = 0.309

P = 0.695


27.7 (5.4)

39.2 (7.9)

86.6 (14.4)


28.4 (5.1)

40.1 (7.1)

87.3 (11.7)

  1. BMI = body mass index; WC = waist circumference; SD = standard deviation; CHO = carbohydrate.
  2. a Significant differences at p <0.05; b Significant differences at p <0.01.