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Table 1 Development of the intervention based on the Model of Planned Promotion for Population Health

From: The effect of the UP4FUN pilot intervention on objectively measured sedentary time and physical activity in 10–12 year old children in Belgium: the ENERGY-project

Step 1: Analysis of health and quality of health

Development of chronic diseases and overweight and obesity in children

Step 2: Analysis of risk factors

Role of sedentary behaviour, independent from PA


Sedentary behaviour = both screen-time and non-screen time activities

Step 3: Analysis of determinants of risk behaviours

Literature reviews

- importance of family environment

- importance of individual factors

Step 4: Intervention program development

Stakeholders interviews on parental involvement and possible intervention activities

Choosing behaviour change techniques for the identified determinants

Pretesting of core components in five European countries

Step 5: Implementation of the UP4FUN intervention

Teacher training


Teacher manual