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Table 4 Categories of transferability factors

From: Transferability of interventions in health education: a review

Categorization of factors

Sub-categories or examples of factors

Source authors

Factors related to population

Factors related to the representativeness and characteristics of the target population (Reach RE-AIM): age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, income, health status

Glasgow 2004, Estabrooks 2003, Glasgow 2003, Klesges 2008, Bull 2003, Eakin 2002, Dzewaltowski 2004, Elford 2003; Wang, 2006; Cuijpers 2005; Rychetnik, 2002;


Factors related to participation of the population (Adoption of RE-AIM): perceived benefits, incentive group, a positive atmosphere within the program, the program seen as a priority

Glasgow 2004, Estabrooks 2003, Glasgow 2003, Klesges 2008, Bull 2003, Eakin 2002, Dzewaltowski 2004, Zubrick, 2005; Buijs 2003


Volunteerism and the autonomy of participants

Buijs 2003


Cultural factors related to lifestyles and worldviews

Reinschmidt 2010, Rychetnik, 2002; Elford 2003;


Cognitive factors depending on the age of recipients and their language, literacy, educational achievement

Reinschmidt 2010, Wang, 2006; Rychetnik 2002, Elford 2003


Affective - motivational factors related to gender, ethnicity, religion and socioeconomic level

Reinschmidt 2010

Factors related to the implementation

Factors associated with all the resources and practices required to implement the intervention, including the cost and duration (Implementation of RE-AIM)

Glasgow 2004, Estabrooks 2003, Glasgow 2003, Klesges 2008, Bull 2003, Eakin 2002, Dzewaltowski 2004, Zubrick, 2005; Wang, 2005; Elford 2003


Availability of resources for routine application of the intervention


Adaptability to the characteristics of the population

Tsey, 2005


Adaptability of the program to local realities

Buijs 2003, Tsey 2005; Elford 2003


"Comfort,” that is, an optimal intervention environment

Buijs 2003


Mobilization methods that could vary depending on the characteristics of beneficiaries

Perrin 2006


Compensation for the participation of professionals and beneficiaries

Perrin 2006


Language used appropriate to the culture and origin of participants

Perrin 2006


Accessibility of the intervention

Zubrick, 2005; Rychetnick, 2002; Elford 2003


Relevance of the intervention to influence the risk factor and/or problem

Zubrick, 2005


Feasibility of the intervention

Zubrick, 2005 : Elford 2003;


Acceptability of the intervention

Zubrick, 2005; Wang, 2005; Elford 2003;


Factors related to intervention: its model, its development, its delivery

Rychetnick 2002

Factors related to professionals

Providing all required instructions and intervention materials

Mukoma 2009, Cuijpers 2005


A participatory training that takes into account the professionals’ diverse views and experiences and targets their attitudes, skills and self-efficacy to implement the intervention

Mukoma 2009, Perrin 2006, Cuijpers 2005,


Involving professionals in developing and piloting the lessons, and reviewing the research instruments, skills.

Mukoma 2009, Wang, 2006; Rychetnick 2002


Interest earned from the program by professionals in terms of their practice

Cuijpers 2005


Enjoyment of the professionals

Buijs 2003

Factors related to the environment

Environmental factors related to the systemic dimension of the community

Reinschmidt 2010


Recognition of unique institutional settings

Perrin 2006


Factors related to politico-social context (health system, financing, services or existing alternative program, etc.).

Rychetnick 2002, Wang, 2006; Cuijpers 2005, Wang, 2006;


Factors associated with interaction between the intervention and context

Rychetnick 2002

Factors related to a specific health problem

Prevalence of health problem in the population

Zubrick, 2005; Wang, 2005

Prevalence of risk factors for the targeted health problem

Zubrick, 2005

Convincing causal link between the risk factor that is the target of the intervention and the health problem

Zubrick, 2005

Relevance of the problem statement to be treated by professionals (expert agreement)

Cuijpers 2005