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Table 2 Key areas explored in the surveys and open-ended questions

From: The characteristics and experience of community food program users in arctic Canada: a case study from Iqaluit, Nunavut

Survey – Key areas

Open-ended questions

- Socio-demographic information: birth town, sex, age group, education level, number of people in household, income level, etc.

- Perception of services: Are they helping your situation? How so? How do you feel when you use the services?

- Access to country foods: hunter in the household, access to sharing, main source of country foods, etc.

- Challenges to be food secure: What are the main obstacles to be food secure?

- Food security and coping strategies: not enough food in the past 12 months, reducing portions for oneself or others in the household, skipping meals, selling belongings, etc.

- What are the most difficult times during the month, during the year? What makes those times more difficult to have enough food?

- Frequency of use of services: how often, since when?

- How can the services be improved?