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Table 2 Cutt-off points used to select adolescents at risk for mental health problems (in intervention group ‘E-health4Uth + counselling’)

From: Evaluation of computer-tailored health education (‘E-health4Uth’) combined with personal counselling (‘E-health4Uth + counselling’) on adolescents’ behaviours and mental health status: design of a three-armed cluster randomised controlled trial


Cutt-off point applied

Mental health status (25 items)

Score on the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) ≥ 17, or a score of ≥ 6 on the subscale emotionality of the SDQ [1]

Suicidal thoughts (1 item)

Having suicidal thoughts ‘occasionally’ or more often

Suicidal attempts (1 item)

Made an attempt at suicide last year