Surely your excellent article is about Not breastfeeding and the risk? The title Breastfeeding and risk, links the benefical behaviour with a negative outcome. See McNiel, M. E., Labbok, M. H. and Abrahams, S. W. (2010), What are the Risks Associated with Formula Feeding? A Re-Analysis and Review. Birth, 37: 50–58. and Smith J, Dunstone M, and Elliott-Rudder M. Health Professional Knowledge of Breastfeeding: Are the Health Risks of Infant Formula Feeding Accurately Conveyed by the Titles and Abstracts of Journal Articles? J Hum Lact, August 2009; vol. 25, 3: pp. 350-358, for more on the topic of titles.
misleading title
12 May 2011
Surely your excellent article is about Not breastfeeding and the risk? The title Breastfeeding and risk, links the benefical behaviour with a negative outcome. See McNiel, M. E., Labbok, M. H. and Abrahams, S. W. (2010), What are the Risks Associated with Formula Feeding? A Re-Analysis and Review. Birth, 37: 50–58. and Smith J, Dunstone M, and Elliott-Rudder M. Health Professional Knowledge of Breastfeeding: Are the Health Risks of Infant Formula Feeding Accurately Conveyed by the Titles and Abstracts of Journal Articles? J Hum Lact, August 2009; vol. 25, 3: pp. 350-358, for more on the topic of titles.
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