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Table 1 Summary of Student Public Commitment Activity

From: Student public commitment in a school-based diabetes prevention project: impact on physical health and health behavior


% (N)


Type of Activity


   SPC only

13.8% (318)


   SGM only

13.5% (312)



8.9% (205)



63.8% (1472)


Semesters of Participation



12.8% (295)



12.7% (294)



6.9% (158)



3.3% (75)



0.6% (13)


Opportunities per semester for


# of students

participating per school each semester

M (SD)

Frequency of participation per student each semester

M (SD)

Public Commitment Activities


   Event specialist

1 - 6

6.8 (3.8)

1.9 (0.9)

   News reporter

1 - 11

4.6 (3.2)

2.6 (2.1)

   Classroom assistant

1 - 26

9.2 (2.8)

7.6 (3.3)


1 - 4

3.4 (2.3)

1.3 (0.5)



13.7 (4.6)


  1. N = 2307 consented students from intervention schools only; SPC - student peer communicator; SGM - student-generated media; event specialistincludes helping organize, facilitate and inform HEALTHY events such as cafeteria learning labs, taste tests, and assemblies; news reportersdelivered PA announcements school-wide and in classrooms; classroom assistantshelped with reading aloud and demonstrating activities in core classrooms and PE classes; photojournaliststook pictures and designed photo collages; and SGMindicates participation in photo shoots when picture and testimonial statements were included on posters displayed throughout the school