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Table 2 Studies assessing effect of antioxidant supplementation on lung function associated with ambient air pollutant exposures in intact humans

From: Modification by antioxidant supplementation of changes in human lung function associated with air pollutant exposure: A systematic review

First author, Year, Country

Study design


Pollutant exposure duration

Anti-oxidant (dose) and duration



Age range

Inclusion/Exclusion criteria


Bucca, 1992, Italy

Randomized (crossover); double-blinded

a) Placebo; 24-Hour average [pollutant]: SO2 142-159 (mcg/mol), total particulate 322-453 (mcg/mol), CO2 1.5-4.8 (ppm), NO2 139-178 (mcg/mol)

2 hours in 'acute' protocol; 4 days in 'chronic' protocol

Vitamin C (2 gm) once in 'acute' protocol and vitamin C (2 gm/day) for 4 days in 'chronic' protocol




Normal lung function tests, no history of asthma, respiratory tract infection in the six weeks preceding the study.

Pollutant-induced decrement in PC25MEF50 (airway reactivity) attenuated by vitamin C. in 'acute' protocol; Pollutant-induced decrement in PC25MEF50 attenuated by vitamin C in 'chronic' protocol (p < 0.001). Peak expiratory flow decrements also significantly attenuated by vitamin C (but p-value not reported).


b)Anti-oxidant; 24-Hour average [pollutant]: SO2 142-159 (mcg/mol), Total particulate 322-453 (mcg/mol), CO2 1.5-4.8 (ppm), NO2 139-178 (mcg/mol)


Grievnik, 1998, The Netherlands


a) Placebo; 8-Hour average [ozone]: 101 (μg/m3)

70 days

Vitamin E (75 mg/day), Vitamin C (650 mg/day) and β-carotene (15 mg/day) for 3 months

Amateur cyclists



Subjects with a range in exposure to ozone of less than 50 (μg/m3) were excluded for analysis.

Ozone-associated decrements in FVC, FEV1, and peak expiratory flow (PEF), were attenuated by vitamin E, vitamin C and β-carotene. No p-value provided.


b)Anti-oxidant; 8-Hour average [ozone]: 101 (μg/m3)


Romieu, 1998, Mexico

Randomized (crossover); double-blinded

a) Placebo; hourly average [pollutant]: ozone 67.3 (ppb), NO2 52.3 (ppb), PM10 76.5 (μg/m3) with placebo

6 months

Vitamin E (75 mg/day), Vitamin C (650 mg/day) and β-carotene (15 mg/day) for 130 days over 2 phases

Male street workers



Working outdoors in the central area of Mexico City, No more than 5 cigarettes/day.

Ozone-associated decrease in FEV1, FVC and FEF25-75 attenuated by Vitamin C, Vitamin E and βeta-carotene. (first phase of study p values for all 3 parameters: p < 0.01; second phase of study p values for FVC and FEF25-75 p < 0.01 and p < 0.05 for FEV1).


b)Anti-oxidant; hourly average

[pollutant]: ozone 67.3 (ppb),

NO2 52.3 (ppb), PM10 76.5(μg/m3)


Grievnik, 1999, The Netherlands

Randomized (non-cross over); double-blinded

a)Placebo; 8-Hour average [ozone]: 84-88 (μg/m3)

15 weeks

Vitamin E (100 mg/daily), Vitamin C (500 mg/daily) for 15 weeks

Amateur and recreational cyclists



Non smokers.

Ozone-associated decrease in FEV1, FVC attenuated by Vitamin C, and Vitamin E (p < 0.05).


b)Anti-oxidant; 8-Hour average [ozone]: 84-88 (μg/m3)


Romieu, 2002, Mexico

Randomized; double-blinded

a) Placebo; 24-Hour average [pollutant]: SO2 33 (ppb), PM10 56.68 (μg/m3), NO2 30 (μg/m3) ozone 32 (ppb)

12 weeks

Vitamin E (50 mg/day), Vitamin C (250 mg/day) for 12 weeks

Asthmatic children



Not specified.

Ozone-associated decrements in FEF25-75 and PEF were attenuated by vitamin E and vitamin C (p < 0.05).


b)Anti-oxidant; 24-Hour average

[pollutant]: SO2 33 (ppb), PM10 56.68

(μg/m3), NO2 30 (μg/m3) ozone 32 (ppb)

  1. * For crossover studies, each individual subjected to each condition; in non-crossover, the conditions were distributed between subjects.