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Table 3 Uptake of antiretrovirals among HIV-infected mother-child pairs (N = 173)

From: Uptake and outcomes of a prevention-of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) program in Zomba district, Malawi

Uptake of maternal and infant sd-NVP during pregnancy and labor


Maternal sd-NVP received at ANC by those not already on HAART

111 (67.7%)

Maternal sd-NVP taken at onset or later in labor by mothers not on HAART (n = 156)

117 (75.0%)

Infant sd-NVP received within 72 hours after birth

114 (65.9%)

Uptake of maternal ART


Mothers already on HAART at ANC

9 (5.2%)

Mothers started HAART during pregnancy

8 (4.6%)

Mothers that started HAART post-partum

28 (23.9%)

Mothers attended (pre-) ART follow up in past 6 months

72 (44.4%)


45 (100%)


27 (23.1%)

Uptake of follow up for exposed infants


Alive Mothers advised about follow up for exposed infants

99 (61.1%)

Infants followed and tested for HIV at least once at 18-20 months of age

47 (27.6%)

Exposed children tested HIV-Infected prior to the study

7/47 (14.9%)

HIV+ children started HAART