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Table 2 Distribution of size at birth according to type of fuels for births during five years of prior to the survey.

From: Association between biomass fuel use and maternal report of child size at birth - an analysis of 2005-06 India Demographic Health Survey data

Size at birth

Type of fuel

Total (%)


High pollution

Low Pollution


Very large


590 (4.62)

1771 (3.76)

Larger than average

6280 (18.27)

2676 (20.95)

8956 (19.0)


19270 (56.07)

7492 (58.65)

26762 (56.77)

Smaller than average

5288 (15.38)

1466 (11.47)

6754 (14.33)

Very small

2346 (6.82)

550 (4.30)

2896 (6.14)


34365 (100)

12774 (100)

47139 (100)

  1. Chi square = 276.35 degrees of freedom = 4, p = < 0.001