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Table 1 Socio-demographic characteristics for women survivors of trafficking.

From: Women in post-trafficking services in moldova: diagnostic interviews over two time periods to assess returning women's mental health

Age (years)

n (%)




59 (49.2)


14 (11.7)


26 (21.7)

Marital status before trafficking



82 (68.3)


14 (11.6)


24 (19.9)



   Primary education or less

14 (11.6)

   Lower secondary (compulsory 9 years)

75 (62.5)

   Upper secondary or more

31 (25.7)

Employment prior to trafficking



82 (68.2)

   Unqualified work

25 (20.8)

   Student/vocational training

7 (5.8)

   Qualified work

6 (5)

Family contact post-trafficking


   One/both parents alive remain in contact

91 (75.6)

   One/both parents alive none in contact

24 (19.8)

   Both deceased

5 (4.1)

Current Residency



81 (67.5)


39 (32.5)

Country trafficked to





33 (27.5)

   EU countries

14 (11.6)

   Other (e.g. Kosovo, Albania)

26 (21.2)

Employment post-trafficking



44 (36.6)

   Unqualified work

37 (30.8)

   Student/vocational training

25 (20.8)

   Qualified work

14 (11.6)

Confidant prior to trafficking



51 (42.5)


69 (57.5)

Confidant post-trafficking



39 (32.5)


71 (67.5)

Time period in trafficking situation (months)


   1-3 months

11 (9.2)

   4-6 months

28 (23.3)

   7-12 months

48 (40.0)

   13-24 months

30 (25.0)

   More than 24 months

3 (2.5)