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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for CHEP study.

From: Development and evaluation of a patient centered cardiovascular health education program for insured patients in rural Nigeria (QUICK - II)

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria



   • Enrollment in HCHP

   • Unwillingness to give informed consent

   • Registered and accessing care in OOH

   • Unfit for participation (e.g. due to co morbidity)

   • Inclusion in QUICK - I for at least 12 months

   • Pregnant or lactating females

   • Diagnosis of hypertension


   • Uncontrolled hypertension or non adherence to prescribed medication or lifestyle changes after 12 months in QUICK - I


   • Age of 18 years and over


   • Give informed consent


Healthcare Professionals for interviews on feasibility of CHEP:


   • HCP of OOH who participated in the implementation of CHEP, or


   • Managers and Doctors of HCHP


   • Give informed consent