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Table 3 Association between callers' heaviness of smoking (0 = HSI score <4, 1 = HSI >= 4) and types of quitline service (Results of logistic regression analyses - OR).

From: Smoking Cessation Quitlines in Europe: Matching Services to Callers' Characteristics

Type of service

OR (95% CI)

   Literature sent

.89 (.75 - 1.04)

   Basic information (quick call)

.94 (.81 - 1.09)

   Advice on how to quit

1.03 (.87 - 1.22)

   Pharmacotherapy information

1.30 (1.12 - 1.51) ***

   Referral to outside service (eg., stop smoking course)

1.15 (.93 - 1.43)

   Referral to a health professional

1.35 (1.02 - 1.54) *


.92 (.78 - 1.09)

  1. *p < .05,** p < .01, *** p < .001; NB. Quitline included as co-variate in analysis.