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Table 2 Knowledge about TB among Immigrant Students in Umeå Swedish-Language Schools (N = 268)

From: Screening migrants for tuberculosis - a missed opportunity for improving knowledge and attitudes in high-risk groups: A cross-sectional study of Swedish-language students in Umeå, Sweden

Items accurately identified by most respondents as correct

Number of correct answers (%)

TB is caused by a bacterium

152 (56.7)

TB can spread to other people if a diseased person:



203 (75.8)

Shares a room with them

140 (52.2)


136 (50.8)


135 (50.4)

TB is not transmitted through handshakes

143 (53.4)

People at increased risk include:


Those in contact with sick people

192 (71.6)


159 (59.3)


147 (54.9)

Substance abusers

145 (54.1)

HIV infected

144 (53.7)


138 (51.5)

Symptoms related to TB:


Coughing up blood

202 (75.4)

Chest pain

166 (61.9)

Feeling tired all the time

160 (59.7)


152 (56.7)

Unexplained weight loss

148 (55.2)

To get rid of TB, patients must continue treatment even if they feel better after two-three weeks

196 (73.1)

To prevent the spread of TB, all patients should be asked to:


spit in a tissue and avoid coughing on others

200 (74.6)

sleep in a bedroom away from other family members

186 (69.4)

cover their noses when coughing or sneezing

183 (68.3)