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Table 1 Research aims, relationship of aims to questionnaire topics/sections and benefit derived from this line of inquiry

From: Understanding resilience in same-sex parented families: the work, love, play study

Research aim

Topics/section in survey


Describe the characteristics and diversity of same-sex parented families in Australia and New Zealand


Family formation

Methods by which children were conceived

To increase knowledge of the way in which same-sex couples negotiate family structures that are more complex than in traditional families and the potential social, legal and health implications of this for same-sex parents.

Examine factors associated with relationship breakdown and resilience in same-sex parented families

Family formation (complexity of family structures)

Engagement with local community and extended family

Division of labour within the household

Use of services

Quality of parents' relationship

Parents' health and wellbeing

Legal status of parents' relationship

The longitudinal design of the study will enable us to follow changes over time in factors that support family resilience and make comparisons between those couples/families who separate and those who don't. This will help to identify areas where same-sex parented families can be better supported.

Examine changes in relationship stability over time and parenting arrangements among those who separate

Family formation (complexity of family structures)

Quality of parents' relationship

Engagement with local community and extended family

Parents' health and wellbeing

Increase knowledge of whether same-sex parents receive formal and informal support post separation and the potential impact of separation on health and wellbeing of parents and children.

Explore the impact of discrimination and homophobic community attitudes on same-sex parented families

Use of services

Engagement with local community and extended family

Experiences of discrimination

Parents' health and wellbeing

Increase knowledge about the relationship between experiences of discrimination and the health and wellbeing of same-sex parents; and whether discrimination isolates same-sex parents and their children from the mainstream community (including services).