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Table 3 Populations targeted for heat communication and platforms used to communicate

From: Survey of extreme heat public health preparedness plans and response activities in the most populous jurisdictions in the United States

At-risk populations targeted by plans include (N = 38)

% (n)


18.4 (7)


55.3 (21)

 People with pre-existing medical conditions

44.7 (17)

 People with low incomes

86.8 (33)

 Mobility challenged

36.8 (14)

 People living in high-rise apartment buildings

10.5 (4)


31.6 (12)

 People working outdoors

42.1 (16)

 People who live alone

34.2 (13)

 Communities of color

31.6 (12)

 People without A/C

39.5 (15)

 People experiencing homelessness

50 (19)


7.9 (3)

 Non-English speakers

26.3 (10)

 Undocumented people

10.5 (4)

Platforms used to communicate heat warnings (N = 38)

% (n)

 Social media

97.4 (37)

 News alerts

76.3 (29)


76.3 (29)

 Press conferences

31.6 (12)

 Joint events with other groups

34.2 (13)

 Text alerts

31.6 (12)

 Phone alert system

23.7 (9)

 Flyers and posters

23.7 (9)


42.1 (16)

 Telephone hotlines

18.4 (7)

 Door to door campaigns

13.2 (5)