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Table 2 HPV-related knowledge varied by the signing status of family doctor (N = 4389)

From: Associations between the signing status of family doctor contract services and cervical cancer screening behaviors: a cross-sectional study in Shenzhen, China


Signing up with family doctors

P for chi square test

No, n(%)

Yes, n(%)

Heard of HPV


878 (43.8)

763 (32.0)

 < 0.001


1126 (56.2)

1622 (68.0)


HPV knowledge question item a

Q1. HPV is very rare


534 (47.4)

758 (46.7)



592 (52.6)

864 (53.3)


Q2. HPV infection is mainly transmitted through sexual contact


770 (68.4)

1246 (76.8)

 < 0.001


356 (31.6)

376 (23.2)


Q3. HPV can cause cervical cancer


869 (77.2)

1363 (84.0)

 < 0.001


257 (22.8)

259 (16.0)


Q4. HPV can cause genital warts


750 (66.6)

1187 (73.2)

 < 0.001


376 (33.4)

435 (26.8)


Q5. People with an earlier age at sex debut are susceptible to HPV acquisition


644 (57.2)

1084 (66.8)

 < 0.001


482 (42.8)

538 (33.2)


Q6. Most sexually active people will get HPV at some point in their lives


922 (81.9)

1420 (87.5)

 < 0.001


204 (18.1)

202 (12.5)


Q7. Having multiple sexual partners may increase the risk of getting HPV infection


899 (79.8)

1405 (86.6)

 < 0.001


227 (20.2)

217 (13.4)


Q8. Using Condom may reduce the chance of HPV transmission


599 (53.2)

991 (61.1)

 < 0.001


527 (46.8)

631 (38.9)


Q9. Most HPV infections can be cleared by human autoimmunity


482 (42.8)

838 (51.7)

 < 0.001


644 (57.2)

784 (48.3)


HPV-related knowledge b

 Low level (< 6)

1290 (64.4)

1217 (51.0)

 < 0.001

 High level (≥ 6)

714 (35.6)

1168 (49.0)

  1. aWomen who had never heard of HPV were not required to answer HPV knowledge questions
  2. bWomen who had never heard of HPV were regarded with a low level of HPV-related knowledge