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Table 6 β- coefficientsa  for 10-year cardiovascular risk with cardiovascular risk with 95% Confidence Intervals (CI), Stockholm, Sweden, 2013–2015

From: Comparison of Framingham 10-year cardiovascular risks in Sweden- and foreign-born primary health care patients in Sweden



 + education

 + alcohol

Place of birth


0.00 (Ref)

0.00 (Ref)

0.00 (Ref)


3.40 (2.59—4.22)*

3.42 (2.61—4.24)*

2.70 (1.86—3.54)*

Education, years

  < 9


0.00 (Ref)

0.00 (Ref)

 9 to12


-2.04 (-3.20—.88)**

-2.00 (-3.12—.85)**

  > 12


-2.41 (-3.45—-1.37)*

-2.44 (-3.46—-1.42)*

Alcohol consumption, glasses a week

  ≤ 4


0.00 (Ref)

  > 4


3.27 (2.14—4.40)*

  1. *P < .0001
  2. **P < .001
  3. aLinear regression analysis done using stepwise adjusting for independent variables, only covariates with statistically significant prevalence (see Table 1) and coefficients included in this Table
  4. bUnadjusted (crude) β-coefficients; all other results in column are adjusted coefficients