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Table 2 Associations among social media and alcohol expectancies in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study, 2018–2020

From: Problematic social media use and alcohol expectancies in early adolescents


Positive Expectancies

Negative Expectancies


B (95% CI)


B (95% CI)


Model 1


Social media time (hours per day)

0.001 ( -0.010; 0.011)


0.018 (0.005; 0.032)


Model 2


Social Media Addiction Questionnaire Scorea

0.038 (0.015; 0.061)

< 0.001

0.076 (0.048; 0.104)

< 0.001

Model 3 b


Social media time (hours per day)

-0.010 ( -0.022; 0.002)


0.005 (-0.010; 0.020)


Social Media Addiction Questionnaire Scorea

0.045 (0.020; 0.069)

< 0.001

0.072 (0.043; 0.101)

< 0.001

  1. Bold indicates p < 0.01. ABCD propensity weights were applied based on the American Community Survey from the US Census.
  2. The estimated B coefficent in the cells represents abbreviated output from a series of linear regression models specifying the column header as the outcome variable and the row header as the primary predictor of interest. Thus, the table represents the output from 6 different regression models in total, adjusting for age, sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, household income, parent education, parent marital status, and study site.
  3. a Asked among a subset who reported social media use (n = 5,642)
  4. b In Model 3, variance inflation factors were: social media time (1.19) and Social Media Addiction Questionnaire Score (1.17) for both positive and negative expectancies.