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Table 3 Results of repeated measures analyses of variance (RM-ANOVA) for comparison between different implementation options of psychotherapeutic consultation at work (n = 755)

From: Employees’ preferences on organisational aspects of psychotherapeutic consultation at work by occupational area, company size, requirement levels and supervisor function – a cross-sectional study in Germany


Effect of implementation options (within variable) on preference choices (repeated measures ANOVA)


mean (SD)

F (dfn, dfd)


Type of consultation


4.78 (0.621)

F (2, 1508) = 752.054

 < 0.001


3.04 (1.21)


3.31 (1.24)


 Outside company premises

4.46 (0.851)

F (1,754) = 793.435

 < 0.001

 On company premises

2.60 (1.30)


 Outside working hours

3.62 (1.19)

F (1,754) = 5.413


 Within working hours

3.44 (1.33)


 Diagnostic only

2.84 (1.13)

F (1, 754) = 1012.71

 < 0.001

 Diagnostic + treatment

4.56 (0.743)


 Occupational burden

4.46 (0.922)

F (3, 2262) = 43.824

 < 0.001

 Maintain work ability

4.47 (0.885)

 Private burden

4.04 (1.05)

 Occupational reintegration

4.38 (1.03)

Accepted distance

n (%)


 < 15 Min

99 (13)



 15 – 30 Min

466 (62)

 30 – 45 Min

149 (20)

 > 45 Min

28 (4)

 No transportation available

13 (2)

  1. ANOVA Analysis of variances, n number, SD standard deviation, dfd numerator degrees of freedom in the denominator, dfn degrees of freedom in the numerator