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Table 1 Description of the nine stages of community readiness with corresponding scores

From: Improving community readiness among Iranian local communities to prevent childhood obesity

Stage (Readiness Score)


1. No awareness (1–1.99)

The issue is normative and accepted and not generally recognized as a problem

2. Denial (2–2.99)

A few community members recognize that the issue is a concern; the community and leadership do not support dealing with the problem

3. Vague awareness (3–3.99)

Community members and leaders believe that the issue may be a concern, but there is no immediate motivation to address the issue

4. Preplanning (4–4.99)

Community members and leaders acknowledge that the issue is a concern; the efforts are not focused or detailed

5. Preparation (5–5.99)

Most community members have basic knowledge of the issue and are concerned about the issue; leaders are planning; some resources have been identified, and community members and leaders are actively working to secure resources

6. Initiation (6–6.99)

Leaders play a key role in planning efforts to address the problem; enough information is available; resources have been allocated to support efforts

7. Stabilization (7–7.99)

Most community residents have more than basic knowledge of existing efforts and issues; leaders actively improve the efforts

8. Confirmation/ Expansion (8–8.99)

Efforts are in place; community members strongly support efforts; leaders play a key role in expanding and improving efforts

9. Community ownership (9–9.99)

Most community members know local efforts and issues; leaders continually review evaluation results and secure resources