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Table 1 Sample focus group questions for Peer Ambassadors

From: A qualitative exploration of the experiences of peer leaders in an intervention to improve diabetes medication adherence in African Americans

Experience of being a Peer Ambassador

 Tell us how you first became involved with Peers LEAD as a Peer Ambassador (PA)

 How would one describe the experience of being a peer ambassador to someone who is interested in doing this?

 Have PAs kept in touch with their Peer Buddies (PB) since the program ended?

 What was the most meaningful or valuable activity or time spent while participating in Peers LEAD as a PA?

Feedback on program benefits, challenges, and supports

 What was beneficial about serving as a PA?

 What were the hardest parts about being a PA?

 What is the ongoing benefit or impact of Peers LEAD for the Peer Buddies?

 How well did the research team accomplish their goals?

 How did the research teamwork with PAs in a way that was meaningful, showing that their opinions matter?

 How does being a PA influence a PA’s behavior related to taking care of diabetes?

Advice on improving Peers LEAD

 What is the best way to find interested potential PAs?

 What qualities are important for a peer ambassador to have?

 What could be done to improve the support from the research team for a PA?

In what ways could PAs work with PBs be improved?

What else could the research team do to improve:

 •The relationship between PAs and PBs

 •Activities during the program

Are there things that the research team didn’t think about that would be important to address?

Closing Question: Is there anything else that you would like to share with us about being a Peer Ambassador for the Peers LEAD?