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Table 3 Direct effects of GSEM predicting adverse birth outcomes (LBW, SGA and PB) among infants from MACE birth cohort

From: Impact of ambient air pollution exposure during pregnancy on adverse birth outcomes: generalized structural equation modeling approach


Adverse birth outcomes

Low birthweight

AOR (95% CI)

Small for gestational age

AOR (95% CI)

Preterm birth

AOR (95% CI)

Prenatal exposure to air pollution

PM2.5 (μg/m3)

1.3(1.02, 1.42)*

1.2(1.21, 1.28)***

1.2(1.09, 1.29)***

NOx (μg/m3)

0.9 (0.92,0.95) **


0.98(0.96, 0.99)*

SO2 (μg/m3)

1.1(0.94, 1..31)

1.1(1.01, 1..13)*

1.2(0.87, 1.59)

Clinical factors

Gestational weight gain (kg)


1.0(0.95, 1.03)

0.98(0.97, 0.99)***

BMI T1 (kg/m2)

0.9(0.92, 0.97)***

0.9(0.91, 0.95)***

0.94(0.93, 0.95)***

Syphilis positive

1.0(0.73, 1.39)

0.9(0.58, 1.59)


HIV positive



1.3(1.17, 1.35)***

Behavioural factors


0.7 (0.37, 1.36)


1.9(1.27, 2.89)**

Alcohol use

1.5(0.69, 3.19)

1.4(0.59, 3.48)

0.7(0.50, 1.09)

Low socio-economic factors

Primary or less education

1.1(0.56, 2.12)


2.7(1.15, 6.17)*

Low annual income (less than US$2000)

1.0(0.47, 2.25)


1.0(0.55, 1.72)

Low SE Housing (Informal or Flat, terraced flat, apartment building)

1.7(1.61, 1.85)**






1.7(0.72, 3.97)

Physical exercise (at least once in a week)


0.01(-0.51, 0.02)


Female gender

0.87 (0.51, 1.51)

0.9(0.86, 0.89)***

1.0(0.86, 1.14)

  1. 95% confidence intervals based on standard errors clustered on residential location
  2. AOR Adjusted Odds Ratio, CI Confidence interval
  3. ***P < 0.001
  4. **p < 0.01
  5. *P < 0.05