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Table 1 Six-step framework employed in the present scoping review

From: Scoping review of sexual and reproductive healthcare for men in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region: a handful of paradoxes?



Research questions 

What is the current status of the literature published from MENA regarding men and SRH?; How men in MENA experience SRH? These queries were broken into four specific objectives relating to clients/users, HCPs, healthcare system and sociopolitical environment.

Search strategies 

Structured literature search using electronic databases that included PubMed and WoS, limited to English language using search terms. (online supplemental Box 1)

Charting the Data 

Data extracted consisted of items relevant to specific factors examined. Articles were mapped employing the eight domains of WHO framework for operationalising SRH [19]

Collating, Summarizing, and Reporting Results

Review team assembled, grouped, synthesized and condensed the findings. Theoretical frame work for analysis involved two interrelated schemes [20, 21] (detailed below). Potential gaps were mapped.

Consultation Exercise

Two senior experts specialized in SRH reviewed the findings to provide opinion on and substantiate the findings

  1. Adopted from Arksey and O’Malley [18]