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Table 1 Topic Guide example questions

From: Exploring the acceptability and feasibility of a whole school approach to physical activity in UK primary schools: a qualitative approach



Physical Activity

1) Describe what physical activity means to your school.


1) Please tell me about the meaning of PE to your school.

a) How often do pupils participate in PE at your school?

b) Is it the same across the school?

School Sport

1) Describe the opportunities there are for pupils to be involved in school sport at your school.

a) Typology?

b) Timing?

c) Targeted programmes?

Staff Confidence, Opportunity and Motivation

1) Describe your thoughts on you and your staff’s confidence in being able to support pupil's activity at school.

a)What enables / inhibits this confidence?

Whole School Approach, PESSPA Toolkit

1) Describe your initial thoughts on the PESSPA Toolkit.

2) Describe your overall evaluation of the toolkit.

3) Describe any impact, if any, you feel the PESSPA Toolkit will have on your schools provision of PESSPA.